23 June 2005

The beginning of Summer

Now that VBS and Teen Camp are over the beginning of summer is under way. (I suppose it was underway when these two events were running at full throttle.) We're thinking and planning for a vacation. Others around us are already gone or will be going soon. I love the term the Europeans use, taking a holiday. Of course holiday means, holy day. A holiday is a day of rest and relaxation - even if you're skimming along the top of the water behind a boat, or you're sliding into a river, or laying under a beautiful shade tree. The concept that we would withdraw from the normal routine of life is embedded in the very nature of creation, when God rested from his labors. It's invested in the law of the OT where Israel experienced time and again an invitation to leave the routine and head to Jerusalem, Celebrate the First Fruits, Celebrate Pentecost and so forth.
May our days of vacation, of summer, be holy. May they renew in us the life and joy of God, may they renew in us the image of God.

Thinking on this subject reminds me of an Alabama song I really like: "In a Hurry to Get Things Done."

I've been working on a Church Mouse story that should be completed by the end of this week. It's on paper at the present time and then will be typed and edited, but I will post it.

Melinda, I know you're anxious for it. I don't mean to make you wait, but patience is a virtue and you only acquire it through practice:-)

It's time to head to the house. Erin F., Michelle M. and another girl are conducting a 5 day club for kids at our house. It's been fun for the boys and their friends. erins siad one girl gave her heart to Jesus. Hey!!!

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