08 August 2008

Willow Creek - Leadership Summit

Yesterday and today I am attending the Willow Creek Leadership Summit. This is my first time being a part of their live event. The content yesterday was encouraging, challenging and edifying. I appreciated Bill Hybel’s humility and transparency in his opening talk.

The overall challenging part is to take in the content at a satellite site. I’m rejoicing that I could come home, be with my family and sleep in my own bed. It’s a bit new to sing with a band that’s playing on a screen, or to clap and say Amen when the speaker is hundreds of miles removed. I’m thankful for this new experience and the challenge that it brings. I’m also thankful to Grace Church (http://www.thenewgrace.org/) of Mt. Pleasant who had the vision to see pastors from our area partake of the conference. They generously made the way possible. Blessings on them for investing in leaders not only in their own church, but in the church universal.

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