27 February 2023

A Prayer in Worship, for Rest

 Prayer for 26 Feb 2023

Kind Father,  Lord of Heaven and Earth

We gather together today to worship you, for your great and mighty deeds of creation and redemption

We gather with our neighbors, friends and family - and in gathering, we join others around the world who have been moved by Your Spirit, people from every tribe and tongue upon the earth,

It is our prayer to have the power of Christ at work in us and in our world

We pray that you would strengthen us at the center of our beings

where our hearts ache, where they hurt - bind them up with your healing 

We pray that our minds would be shaped by the words of Christ, 

that what flows from the work of our hands and mouths would be fruits of your grace, 

that the fruits of the Spirit would be evident in us, so that our homes, our workplaces would be spaces of grace

We pray that our bodies would be strengthened for the work you have placed before us. When our bodies and souls are tired, grant us rest, Thank you for this day of rest.


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