31 May 2005

A Children's Lesson - Claire's Coats

To Whom Much is Given, Much is Required
Leviticus 26.3-5, Luke 12.48

Today we’re looking at an important principle: that those who have been given much, are expected by God, to bless others.

I want to tell you a story of a man named Claire.
Claire was a husband, father, dairy farmer and most importantly he was a follower of Jesus.
Claire wasn’t a wealthy farmer, but he managed his cows and land pretty well.
One year during the tomato harvest the weather turned cold, really cold, cold enough to snow. Claire didn’t raise tomatoes, but through his church he knew the workers who picked the tomatoes.
The workers – most of them, were people from Mexico. They had come north with very little money and only a few clothes. The places they slept while they were harvesting the tomatoes were glorified sheds. With the cold weather, Claire knew there was a problem; there were going to be cold moms and dads, cold kids.
Claire remembered and put into action something Jesus said, “when you see a person without a coat and you have two, give them one of yours.”
Claire went to his house and he went to the closets. He knew that he had several coats so did his kids and wife. Claire didn’t have the money to buy coats for those who were cold – but he could share the extra coats they did have.
Claire knew that to whom much is given, much is required.

This next week, ask God to show you how He has given to you, and ask Him how you can share with others around you.

Thank you, Lord, for people who share because they’ve been touched with your goodness. Help us all to see your gifts to us, to give thanks, and to share your gifts with others. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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