17 September 2008

A Poem for Kyrie

Anna wrote a piece of poetry the other night for Kyrie Sophia.  She came out on the deck and declared to the boys and I who were working in the fort – “time for a poetry moment.” I share it with you. 

Kyrie Sophia
You are as beautiful as a sunset
Your fine, wispy hair soft and orange like the clouds
Your eyes, brilliant blue like the sky reflecting the last glimpse of the sun
Your skin, flushed pink and white like the mixture of colors above the horizon
Your smile, bright and glowing like the rays of the setting sun

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - how come I didnt know about this inspiring piece!?!? Great capturing of what cant be put in ordinary words when one is in awe of a newborn babe!
Love Aunt Di and KL