26 August 2010

Forgive Us our Sins as We Forgive Those who Sin against us

While reading an old sermon today I came across this:

An anonymous commentator wrote: “Many people who are unwilling to forgive those how sin against them avoid saying this prayer. They are ill advised. First, no one who does not pray as Christ taught is not Christ’s disciple; second, because the Father does not graciously hear a prayer that the Son has not recommended. For the Father knows the words and meaning of his Son, and he does not accept what the human mind has devised but what the wisdom of Christ has expressed. Therefore you may indeed pray, but you may not outsmart and deceive God. And you will not receive forgiveness unless you yourself have first forgiven.” (Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture)

1 comment:

Galen said...

We should look past other people's faults and target our own first; I think this is something related that we forget to follow as well. When people sin against us we should realize what an opportunity to forgive and be humble we have, and this isn't something we should overlook.