As an added blessing, we spontaneously adopted a foreign exchange student this year. Serge (17) is from Hamburg, Germany and is spending the school year with us. We are enjoying having him with us and learning from him as he also learns about American culture a la Leiningers and Mt. Pleasant, Mi. It’s amazing to think about the wide variety of people and culture within our own country not to mention the wide, wide world. Serge is attending Mt. Pleasant High School and enjoyed playing football this fall. His time on the wrestling team this winter was short lived as a dislocated elbow at practice put a halt to it. Bummer. I am constantly amazed at his ability to speak three languages fluently. The first half of his life was spent in Kazakhstan so Russian is his native language and after being here for 4 months English is second nature to him.
Another addition to the family is Jason’s tractor-Allie. This year he restored an Allis Chalmers D-19 tractor that belonged to him as a teenager and has attached to it many good memories. It turned out beautifully and you can read more about it on his blog at http://revduke.blogspot.com.
On a more sorrowful note, this fall we said farewell to our good friends the Schantz’s who moved to Grand Rapids, and our dog, Delta who was unfortunately hit and killed. Additionally, the church has experienced turbulent times this year as a discussion ensued this spring about whether or not we are “emergent”. This resulted in many leaving our fellowship. It was difficult for everyone, but thankfully God has worked in our midst and we are beginning to experience a healthy unity and purpose. One of the exciting things that is happening within the life of the church is the upcoming missions trip to our Free Methodist church in Nogales, Mexico. You can read more about that on Facebook (Central Michigan Free Methodist Church to Nogales Mexico). With the difficulty and loss I mentioned above, it was suggested that I write a country song about my experience! I haven’t done so but it strikes me that life is a journey full of both happy and sad all at once and it is good to remember God with us-Emmanuel.
His peace,
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