29 August 2011

The Great Thanksgiving

In the approach of the Lord's Table there is a prayer called the Great Thanksgiving.  It summarizes, sometimes at length, the work of God in the world.  St. Andrews Anglican Church in Versailles, KY uses the Nigerian liturgy.  Their Great Thanksgiving is similar to the Book of Common Prayer, the United Methodist Book of Worship, the Free Methodist liturgy, but with an added and appreciable twist:


Prayer of Thanksgiving:
L - We remain standing for thanksgiving and remembrance

L - Is the Father with us?
P - He is.

L - Is Christ among us?
P - He is

L- Is the Spirit here?
P - He is.

L - This is our God.
P - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

L - We are his people.
P - We are redeemed.

L - Lift up your hearts
P - We lift them to the Lord

L - Let us give thanks to the Lord our God
P - It is right to give him thanks and praise. 

I love the question and response that leads to the prayer because it brings to the heart and mind the last words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, that He would be with us to the very end of the age.  I need that constant reminder, more than once a week, that the Triune God is with me, with us, with the world. 

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