08 February 2019

Pastor's Note for February 7, 2019

Hello Friends, 

In December our worship services (at Schweitzer UMC - sumc.co) began a journey through the Gospel according to Luke. As Luke conveys the story of Jesus he adds a bit of flavor unique to his writing; that God the Father has an agenda of including the outsider in the people around Jesus through a fresh work of the Holy Spirit.

The past few weeks I have run into several stories where God’s inclusion of the outsider and a fresh work of the Spirit is more than the text we read in worship, it is happening now, in our midst.

In the food pantry a man talked about how he had been lost, he felt like no one saw him. At the pantry, he found people who listened  to hs story and saw him. The outsider was being included. 

A teacher in Grow To Know preschool joined some kids ministry leaders at a Kids Ministry conference. She returned with passion, vigor, and an unleashed imagination for seeing kids flourish in their love for God and others. There is a fresh work of the Holy Spirit.

As we take a journey through Luke’s Gospel, I hope you begin to see how God in Christ is always including the outsider, and there is a fresh work of the Spirit for us. Sometimes, we are the outsider - God’s inclusion is meant to touch us. His fresh work of the Spirit is for us, our community, and world.

Blessing to you as you continue in this journey with Christ, 

Pastor Jason

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