06 September 2022

Prayer for 11 September 2022

11 September happens to fall on Sunday in 2022. How does one mark a day of profound significance for so many? Prayer is a fitting endeavor. In an attempt to prepare for a congregational prayer time, I worked on the following prayer. Maybe it will be helpful to you. It is written to be a together prayer. 


Prayer for 11 Sept 2022

(Bold = everyone pray)

Holy, holy, holy Lord,

God of power and might,

heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest.

We lift our voices in worship today, Kind Father, to join with the saints and the angels  in praising You

In thankfulness we come before you in prayer

Today we remember a day that marked this nation and our lives 

11 September 2001

We especially pray for those who bear the weight of grief that enveloped this generation

We are thankful that you have not left us as a desolate people

But you have called us to employ Your gifts of 

confession and courage, 

repentance and reconciliation, 

justice and joy

We pray afresh for our nation this day

Our hearts are anxious, 

our devotions mixed with idolatry and justice

Our souls hunger for truth in a land of 1/2 right prophets

Our conversations have lost civility

Forgive us, for wandering hearts

For setting aside your gifts of grace 

For seeking power and place instead of being a people of blessing

Reminded us of our confession of faith:

Chris has Died

Christ is Risen

Christ will come again

And stir up our hearts with the love of Christ.

The Lord’s Prayer


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful responsive prayer, Jason!